There's No Place like the "Z"!

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Zion Christian Ministries sees more than 20 visitors a week on average. We'd love to answer any questions you may have about our ministry. (CLICK HERE)

Salvation Today

Repentance and Baptism
You do not have to be a member of Zion Christian Ministries in order to be baptized. Jesus commissions us to make disciples of all nations. (CLICK HERE)

Give to Zion

Support our Ministry Efforts
Your contribution to Zion Christian Ministries goes a long way. We appreciate your commitment to advancing the Kingdom of God. (CLICK HERE)

Why Zion? 

Our culture is high influenced by the people that attend Zion Christian Ministries. Hear firsthand experiences from people that attend.

About Us

"So That People That are Distant From CHRIST can Disciples for CHRIST."

Zion Christian Ministries is located at 4750 John Bragg Highway in Murfreesboro Tennessee. Zion is a bible based, spirit filled, and practical teaching ministry. One of the special features of Zion Christian Ministries is the vast amount of generational participation across ministry platforms. We are not affiliated with any denominational structure. Zion welcomes people from all walks of life, we believe that salvation in Jesus Christ can change anyone's life. 
Located just 5 minutes from Middle Tennessee State University, Zion is a great place for young adults to grow and experience Christ together. Zion is fully equipped for the virtual/online experience every week and offers an array of online opportunities for ministry service. With the addition of the newly constructed 401k building, Zion is dedicated to educated the entire family about Christian principles and practical living. Plan your visit today. 

Contact Us

Contact us Today, We'd love to hear from you!