The Z Experience at Zion Christian Ministries

The Z Experience is what we call every encounter you have with Zion Christian Ministries both on our campus and in the general public. We believe that every leader and volunteer of Zion Christian Ministries should embody the culture of our ministry. It is our intention to cultivate environments and encounters that will help anyone experience the heart of Christ through our culture.  This is possible anytime we gather or assemble. Ways to connect with the Z Experience are listed below.

Sunday Mornings at 10:00 a.m.

Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m.  are the biggest gatherings at Zion.
On any given Sunday morning, you can expect a free, energetic, and life-changing experience.

Fire Starters

At the beginning of praise and worship, please feel free to come down front close to the stage and praise the Lord during praise and worship.


During the Sermon, Bishop Johnson may give everyone a few words to remember during the sermon. These easy-to-remember sermon points are shared on multiple social media platforms.

Fellowship Moment

Be ready for a hug. We have a culture of love at Zion Christian Ministries. Every experience is saturated with the love of Christ. We have a designated time during the Z Experience for everyone to spread love and greet each other.


Some element of the Z Experience may be adorned with creativity and arts. From drama-filled skits to liturgical dance, you are sure to experience a passionate visual  presentation of the Gospel message that will leave you inspired.


We have also reserved a moment for us to contribute to the ongoing mission of Zion Christian Ministries by providing opportunity for everyone to give on Sunday mornings. While the vast majority of our members give online, there is still opportunity to give in person.

Altar Moment

There is a moment after every message for anyone to respond to what God has spoken. This response includes making a decision to follow Christ, membership, or just simply coming for prayer.

Visitor Connect

If you are visiting for the first time, be sure to stop by one of the I-pads in the lobby so one of our "Visitor Experience" team members can connect with you.

Mid-Week Bible Study

We offer Bible Study for all ages on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.
Listed below are a few reasons why bible study is becoming a strong desire for most.

Smaller Setting

Of course, not everyone shows up to study the Word of God and actually learn how to apply it to their lives.  Bible study at Zion is a smaller group of 50-60 people, but the group is continuously growing!

Ask Questions/Group Work

Bible study is more interactive. Attendees are able to ask questions and participate in group work within small groups in the class.

Just One Hour

Bible Study typically lasts one hour. We are normally done at 7:30 p.m. every Wednesday.